Mentors & Prayer Partners Needed

– We still need mentors and prayer partners! Confirmation 2025 is under way! We have 17 confirmands this year, and we need your help to make confirmation a time of deep spiritual growth for each one. Our confirmands are in small groups of three to four. We need two mentors and two prayer partners for each small group. We still have space for two female mentors and five prayer partners. We need your help to fill these spots!

A confirmation mentor:

– is an adult who acts as a guide and special friend to a confirmand
– is someone of mature faith who can serve as a guide and companion on this important part of their journey of faith
– is someone who will encourage confirmands to express his or her faith and questions openly
– is someone who actively listens and who recognizes that he or she is still growing in the faith, rather than an “I have all the answers”
– will commit to attend one meeting per month (Sundays, 5 – 7:30 pm)
– will attend the spring baptism and confirmation services

A confirmation prayer partner:

– is an adult who prays for the confirmands in their group
– is someone who prays daily
– is someone who will reach out to their confirmations regularly to let them know they are praying for them
– will attend confirmation events and meetings, to which they are invited, as often as possible
– will attend the spring baptism and confirmation services

Confirmation is not only a time of individual spiritual growth but one of forming a tight spiritual community, having loads of fun together, and sharing the excitement of loving Jesus, one another, and our community as Jesus loves us!

If this sounds like something you would like to be a part of and you are interested in joining our confirmation team, please contact Laura Padgett as soon as possible.

Study Groups

Book and Bible Studies & Small Groups

Be sure to scroll for all that is being offered!

Sacred Self-Care Lenten Study
Join us for a book study on Sacred Self-Care by Dr. Chanequa Walker-Barnes. Beginning Thursday, March 6, at 6:30 pm, in Room 134, this study offers practical tools to nurture your mind, body, and spirit. CLICK HERE for more information, including registration details.

 Digital Detox Small Groups
Join a Lenten small group with Pastor Ed Glaize or Pastor Laura Byrch as they lead discussions in the Conference Room on The Digital Fast by Darren Whitehead, exploring ways to detach from technology and rediscover meaningful connections. Pastor Ed’s group meets Tuesdays at 12:00 pm (March 11–April 15); bring lunch. Pastor Laura’s meets Thursdays at 5:30 pm (March 13–April 17); bring dinner from Together We Eat. CLICK HERE for more.

Disciple I Class
Beginning Wednesday, Jan. 22, 10:00 am-12:00 pm, a Disciple I Fast Track New Testament class will begin with Jon Beebe facilitating. This 12-week study will offer an overview of the New Testament and will be held in Room 134. Register by contacting the Church Office. There is no prerequisite.

Men’s Bible Study
 Donny Miller has restarted a Men’s Bible Study to create a community of men to share life together and dive deeper into faith. The study is every Saturday morning, 7:30-9:00 am in Room 204. (Enter through 200 wing door.) A simple breakfast is provided and is followed by reading and discussion.

Women in the Word
Join us as we embark on a 10-week journey through The Lamb of God: Finding Jesus in Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. We will explore the Old Testament together on Thursdays, 10:00 am-12:00 pm, beginning Feb. 6. To register, call the Church Office at 828-264-6090. There is no prerequisite.

Youth Bible Studies
High School and Middle School Bible studies are held each Wednesday. High School meets on Wednesday mornings, 7:00-8:00 am, in the Family Life Center with breakfast; current study is the book of Samuel. Middle School meets on Wednesday afternoons, 2:45-4:00 pm, in the Youth Loft; current study is the book of John. High School Sunday School is currently studying Can I Ask That by the Sticky Faith Curriculum.

Strengthen Your Faith Through Scripture Journaling

Follow along with us as we connect daily with scripture through journaling. As we listen and respond to God's Word, we lean ever further into the vision of this church:Becoming deeply transformed disciples who live for the transformation of hearts, the Church, our community, and the world.

2023-2024 Confirmands

2023-2024 Confirmands

Join us as we pray for the 2023-2024 Confirmation Class. Following are their names:

Alice Rice
Anna Brooks Heistand
Asa Freed
Ava Holste
Eli Greer
Eliza Owens
Brynley Collins
Elizabeth Smith
Yates Hodges
Kathryn James
Lucy Krause
Maddie Marcum
Mia Kelley
Michael Wade
Norah McLaurin
Quinn Hovancik

Pray for Boone Youth’s Winter Weekend Retreat

Please join us as we pray for our young people and every adult who is accompanying them during this weekend’s retreat! Following is a list of youth and leaders who head out this Friday for Winter Weekend 2024:

Lilly K.
Nate F.
Jane N.
Caleb S.
Cicily H.
Emma M.
Jonah N.
Alaina P.
Emma R.
Anna N.
Graycie C.
Gracie S.
Kayden K.
Bailey C.
Elizabeth C.
Kira B.
Brayden C.
Grayson E.
Anders N.
Honor C.
Nathaniel W.
Zeke W.
Asbury R.
Lydia D.
Mae M.
Gracyn P.
Ellie H.
Drew M.
Garrett M.
Lindsey W.
Caroline C.
Annabelle B.
Connor C.
Lucas W.
Athena E.
Promise C.
Benry O.
Annie W.
Cora S.
Mitch J.
Lucy W.
Iyla F.
Ellary S.
Sydney M.
Josie F.
Lilly W.
Elliot T.
Riley C.
Gracie B. 

Caitlin R.
Nevin D.
Emily G.
Chassie S.
Spencer B.
Skyler V.
Lee D.
Raheim A.
Tucker S.
Danae K.
Regan D.

Barret C.
Bailey M.
Gracie M.

Dan K.

Diaper Drive

2025 Diaper Drive


Let’s Build a Wall of Diapers! Join us for the entire month of February as we build a wall of diapers to benefit children throughout our community. Children’s Ministry is hosting our 2025 Annual Diaper Drive, and your contributions will ensure that it is the biggest wall we have ever built together! Each year, we collect diapers and wipes for the Watauga County Children’s Council and the Diaper Bank. This past fall, after the storm and resulting flooding, the Diaper Bank received very generous donations from all over. They still have an abundance of newborn and small size diapers and plenty of wipes, but they are running out of several sizes of larger diapers and pull-ups. Please help build the wall with the following sizes ONLY:

Regular Diapers sizes: 6, 7 & 8
Pull Ups sizes: 2T-3T, 4T-5T, 5T-6T

You are welcome to bring these items to the church and stack them against the wall on the right side of the Chapel. We also have an Amazon wishlist with these items ready for you to put into your cart and they will ship directly to the church. Easy Peasy!

Our goal this year is to collect 6,000 diapers! You can help us reach this goal and provide these essentials for families throughout the coming year. Thank you for helping Children’s Ministry do our part to fulfill our church’s mission of Loving our community and inviting all to discover life in Christ.

Emily Wright

Emily Wright

Emily Wright

Director of Preschool

Emily Wright is our newest edition to our church staff leadership. She has worked for Boone United Methodist Preschool previously as a lead teacher. Help us welcome Emily to the team!

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