Your faithfulness during 2021 – a year of pandemic and transition– is such a gift to this congregation and community. Above is a general snapshot, and below are a few reflections from the many blessings we have witnessed!
Total Amount Spent for Program Expenses
Total Amount Spent for Operating Expenses
Through your generosity, we have lived into our value ofEveryone Everywhere Matters. We have served more than 100 delicious, nutritious meals every Thursday night andengaged with our community through Firewood Ministry, Great Days of Service, Letter Writing Campaigns, Summer Literacy Program, Angel Tree Ministry, Clothing Drives, Christmas Eve Cookie Distribution, and King Street Church, just to name a few.
Total Amount Paid to Conference for Apportioned Missions
Total Amount Paid to District for Apportioned Missions
Total Amount Paid to UMC Missions(not to conference)
Total Amount Paid to Non-UMC Benevolent and Charitable Missions
We have learned a lot regarding online streaming and hybrid gatherings during the past two years. Thank you for your presence as we have worshipped and discipled together both in-person and online. Your investment and faithfulness in our physical building and online capabilities have kept us connected, making it possible to share the Gospel Message throughout the year!
Total Spent of Principal & Interest
Balance of Church Loan
Total Number of Events
Total Hours of Building Use
Average Number of In-Person People in Worship Services(44 weeks of in-person worship)
Average Number of Live Online Viewers During Worship Services(52 weeks of online worship)
Average Number of Live Online Viewers During Worship Services(52 weeks of online worship)
Average Number of Viewers Throughout Week(52 weeks of on-demand worship)
Average Total of Worship Attendance(all online and in-person)
Thank you for the countless ways you have been a part of the ministry of Boone United Methodist Church this past year!