Holy Week & Easter Sunday 2025
Boone UMC
Palm Sunday
April 13
Praise & Worship at 8:30 am, in Sanctuary
Crossroads Contemporary at 10:55 am, in Family Life Center
Traditional at 11:00 am, in Sanctuary
Labyrinth for Personal Prayer & Meditation
April 14-18
9:00 am-4:00 pm, Chapel
Maundy Thursday: Living Last Supper Drama & Communion
April 17
7:00 pm, Sanctuary
Stations of the Cross Boone United Trail Hike
April 18
7:00 am, 12:00 pm, or 5:30 pm
For the 7:00 am and 5:30 pm hikes, meet at the Pavilion behind the church to begin a guided meditation trek along the beautiful trail owned by Boone UMC to experience Christ’s offering for us on the cross, as well as the glory of His creation. For the 12:00 pm trek, meet at the Pavilion and walk the guided meditation loop in the valley; this option is great for people seeking a less strenuous hike
Self-Guided Stations of the Cross
April 18
9:00 am-4:00 pm, Sanctuary
Good Friday: Tenebrae* — A Service of Shadows, led by Chancel Choir
April 18
7:00 pm, Sanctuary
* The Tenebrae Service, meaning “shadow” or “darkness” in Latin, is a solemn meditation on Christ’s suffering and darkest hours. As we join the generations of believers who have observed this service for over a millennium, we honor Christ’s request to stay with Him in His time of suffering. While we grieve, we do so with hope, anticipating the joy of Easter morning.
Easter Sunrise Service
April 20
6:30 am, Thunder Hill Overlook on Blue Ridge Parkway
Easter Sunday with Living Cross
April 20
Praise & Worship at 8:30 am in Sanctuary
Crossroads Contemporary at 10:55 am in Family Life Center
Traditional at 11:00 am in Sanctuary
Especially for Children
Easter Eggstravaganza
With prizes, games, egg hunt, & face painting!
Saturday, April 19
9:00-11:00 am
Family Life Center