United Methodist Women

United Methodist Women are very active in the missions of the community and of the church. Members share a unique fellowship as they learn about and support missions in all parts of the world. Programs focus on racial and social justice, local and beyond local organizations, care-giving, spiritual development, and improving the lives of others.
Activities of the United Methodist Women include Educational Scholarships to local individuals who are furthering their education, organizing meals for the Hospitality House, and support for UMCOR (United Methodist Council on Relief) with School Kits, Health Kits, Birthing Kits, Bedding Kits, Sewing Kits, Layette Kits, and Cleaning Buckets.
Individual Circles have their own focus, as well as leadership. They enjoy a time of fellowship, as well as card ministry and devotional time. Information is highlighted from the UMW Prayer Calendar and the response magazine. Each year programs from the Program book focus on the Call to Prayer and Self-Denial, Annual Pledge Service, and the World Thank Offering.
Circle 1
We are mostly retired – by age but not by activity. Mature, but not over the hill. We focus on local mission projects and strive to increase our understanding of the Bible. We enjoy a joyful fellowship within this faith community. In the past 12 months, our programs have focused on racial and social justice, on local non-profit organizations (especially those focused on children and families in poverty), on care-giving, and on spiritual development.
Circle of Mary and Martha
This group of service-minded women of all ages enjoy fellowship and laughter with one another while supporting worthwhile mission projects. Every fall, we gather in the church kitchen to make soup to sell to the congregation and the preschool. Profits are used to support mission projects locally as well as internationally. A major emphasis is on the support of Women and Children especially through OASIS (Opposing Abuse with Service, Information, and Shelter) as everyone deserves to be safe from violence and abuse.