Specific Events
Boone UMC hosts a variety of events throughout the year, including our weekly dinner on Thursday evenings, Together We Eat. As we move into the season of Lent, we kick off with a Mardi Gras Pancake Supper, followed by Ash Wednesday observances and study opportunities to offer spiritual reflection and renewal. During the warmer months of summer, we gather on the lawn on Sunday mornings to hear personal testimonies and on Sunday evenings for a special time of outdoor worship. The end of summer wraps up with church-wide picnic fellowship on the lawn as we celebrate the beginning of a new year of school for children. During early autumn, we open the entire building for our two-day Fall Bazaar. In November, we give thanks with a community-wide meal. And during the season of Advent, we offer special musical and worship services. CLICK HERE to discover more about what is happening now in the life of this church.