While enjoying the beautiful mountains this summer, here are a variety of ways to connect with old friends at Boone UMC and make new ones. Contact the church office (828-264-6090) for car pool, group ticket sales, costs or additional information.
Ongoing Events
- SUPPER CLUBS –Covered Dish kick off on June 23rd. Looking for a new friend or someone to have dinner with or go out to eat with? We have just the spot for you. Come join us at the Picnic Area at 6:00 pm on Sunday, June 23rd for a covered dish dinner to kick off the Supper Club Event. At that time new friendships will start and you will have a wonderful meal. What more could you want?
- TUESDAY LUNCH BUNCH –Meets on the 2nd Tuesday of the month (April thru December) to enjoy food, fun and fellowship followed by a program. Lunch is offered for a donation. Reservations are requested.
- LADIES LUNCH – Meets on the 2nd Monday of the month at a local restaurant for some much needed social time.
- BIBLE STUDY –New summer classes are forming, sign-up NOW. Rev. Gene Ammons will lead an adult study. Lisa Morton and Lindsey Long will lead a women’s study.
Special Events
- May 24-25 ABC SALE – Annual Attic Basement and Closet Sale held on Memorial Day Weekend Sponsored by the Boone United Methodist Women
- June 22 GEOLOGY HIKE – Mount Jefferson State Natural Area in Ashe County will hold a geology hike at 2 p.m.; meet at the picnic shelter. Several types of geological formations will be seen on this mountain hike. Metamorphic formations and intrusive quartz are located on the trail.
- June 23 NATURE HIKE – Mount Jefferson State Natural Area in Ashe County will hold a nature hike at 2 p.m.; meet at the picnic shelter. Hike the ridgeline of Mount Jefferson and explore the natural world of wildflowers and wildlife on the Summit & Rhododendron Trails. Natural history and folklore will be discussed.
- June 23 FISHING AT COFFEY LAKE on BEECH MOUNTAIN – We will meet at 2:00 p.m. in the front parking lot of the church to car pool. This event is free to open to all ages. A fishing license is required for all who are 16 and over. Visit www.ncwildlife.org or, pick up a license at Wal-Mart or any Fishing Outlet.
- June 27 THE CREEPER TRAIL – The Virginia Creeper Trail stretches 34 miles from Abingdon, Virginia down thru the lovely town of Damascus, Virginia. This area is rich in beauty and regional history. The mostly downhill bike ride is for 17 miles. This is an easy biking adventure that you and your friends will talk about for a long time. We will leave the church parking lot at 8:00 a.m. and return around 3:30 p.m.
- July 5 & 6 CHRISTMAS IN JULY – This one full-day, and Friday nightfree-admission event in West Jefferson, NC features the very best in traditional mountain music and handmade crafts from throughout the Northwest Mountains of North Carolina.
- July 21 Gingerbread House Building – Join us at Boone UMC to build a Gingerbread House from 1:30 – 4:00 p.m. in the Family Life Center. Graham Crackers and icing will be provided, please bring edible decorations to share. We are requesting a $5 donation per house. This can be made with school supplies, food, or cash donations for WeCan. Please RSVP to Doris Thompson at 828-264-5507.
- August 4 A BENCH IN THE SUN –
When a famous former actress moves into the local retirement community, two longtime friends suddenly find themselves at odds as they each, in their own unique way, vie for her attention. Proving once and for all, just because you’re retired doesn’t mean you’re dead. At the Ensemble Stage in Blowing Rock and starring our very own Diana Haas. Contact the church office to reserve your seat. Cost is $17.00 per person.
- September 15-21 29th ANNUAL FALL BAZAAR One of the largest events in the area. This sale is truly like nothing you have seen before. It is a blessing to be a part of this week-long experience that contributes to so many charitable organizations and individuals in the High Country and helps pay down the church’s mortgage. The best part is all the new friends that you make from working at the Bazaar. This event builds deep and lasting relationships throughout our church family. There is a job for everyone regardless of your abilities.