Crossroads Service

Join us each Sunday morning at 10:55 am, for contemporary worship for people of all ages. If you are stepping into a church building for the first time or you have you attended church for years, it doesn’t matter. Come as you are. There is a place for you here.

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We are holding 3 Christmas Eve Services, Dec. 24, at 4:00, 6:00, & 8:00 pm.


Crossroads worship at Boone UMC is designed to be a meeting place with the God who loved us even before the mountains surrounding our church building were formed. We believe that God meets us in the tender flesh of Jesus, who is working now by the Holy Spirit to draw us and all creation to Himself. This free-flowing, multi-sensory gathering meets every Sunday at 10:55 a.m., in our Family Life Center, where Vern Collins and the other pastors of Boone UMC preach powerful messages of God’s transformative love and mercy.This service is a favorite of high school and college students, as well as adults of all ages who enjoy the dynamic and energetic atmosphere.