Dear 6th Grade Youth,
You are invited on a very important journey – Confirmation!
What is Confirmation? Being in middle school, you are at a special age when you are not only making more decisions for yourself but also may find yourself questioning what you believe. Confirmation is a great time to ask those questions. Confirmation refers to the decision a person makes to respond to God’s grace with intentional commitment, publicly reaffirming his or her baptismal vows before the congregation. We offer a deliberate time of preparation before this service.
Want to know more? Contact the church office @ 264-6090.
Scholarship Opportunity
Boone United Methodist Women will be accepting applications for educational scholarships awarded for post high school education needs. There is no restriction on age, gender, religion, or race. The amount of each scholarship will range from 500 dollars to 1,000 dollars depending on need. Announcements of awards will be made by May 1, 2013.